Happy Magical Girl Monday!

Here’s a sketch that summarizes the dynamic between Aki and Miku.

Q: Why is Aki on the desk?

A: She likes to be tall.

Q: Is Aki’s laugh really so bad that it warrants breaking/flipping a desk?

A: For Miku? Yes. And this is one of the many reasons she requested a different seat in their first year. And to never be grouped with her for any assignments. Unfortunately, the latter request can’t always be fulfilled.

Happy Magical Girl Monday!

I’ve been working on background music and character development this week, and I’m going to continue it this week.

In the meantime, here’s a sketch featuring Takako and Nana, based off the Tuxedo Mask meme! (I’ll color it eventually…) 

Happy Magical Girl Monday!

I’ve started creating the parts for Nana’s platformer sprite!

However, I’m not sure if I should finish assembling them yet. The beta for Spriter 2 is coming out soon, and because I have Spriter Pro I can get the upgrade for free. I’m not sure if Spriter Pro files are going to be compatible with Spriter 2, so I’m not sure if I should finish all the sprites right now.

Anyway, there are still some itch.io download keys available in my previous post! Make sure to grab one and connect it to an itch.io account before someone else does! This key will let you play the game through development, and when it’s complete you can play the final game for free!

Happy Magical Girl Monday!

Here’s a gif of Sasaki Aoi!

I started pixeling her hair around the time I posted the last batch of character sprites, and finally finished today!

I told myself that I was going to focus on code, but I think I want to finish the remaining girls’ hair and eyes. I’m using Spriter Pro to assemble the sprites, so it’s actually a faster process than when I was creating the sprites for the capstone version of the game.

Is there a specific girl you would like to see me finish sooner than the others? Let me know!

Happy Magical Girl Monday!

Wow, I had a big scare this weekend. Last month I had been moving files to my backup because my laptop’s drive was reading as almost completely full. I thought I had deleted my most recent spreadsheets with information I didn’t have anywhere else, keeping older versions that hadn’t been updated in at least a year. Luckily, this wasn’t the case, and I found my files on my backup in a folder I hadn’t checked.

With that said, here’s a screenshot of one of the spreadsheets! Birthdays, height and weight, and blood types are all standard for an anime character’s bio! The first three columns are a hint at the seating chart.

I’ve done a LOT in terms of coding, but most of it runs in the background and I’m still using placeholder sprites (rectangles). Depending on how much more progress I’ve made, there may be a video by the end of the month.

Happy Magical Girl Monday! Here’s a picture of Takako in Nendoroid style that I sketched last week!
The past few days I’ve been working on implementing code for enemies to the game, and it’s coming along great! I hope to make another video update either next Monday or the Monday after.

Happy Magical Girl Monday!
I’m having some difficulty with my hard drive at the moment, so I decided to dig into my phone’s gallery to find a picture I’ve never posted before.
Behold! One of the first pictures I drew of The Magical Girl in PROXy characters from January 2016.
Depending on if my computer cooperates, there may or may not be a livestream this month. If there is, it will be this Saturday, and it will be very short.

Happy Magical Girl Monday!I’ve been working on coding in GameMaker Studio 2 lately!

I have a very basic main menu right now. Eventually the code will choose randomly from a pool of background art. (Maybe a different pool based on progress in the game?)

The RPG part of the game is looking good. Movement is working, soon I want to add in one of the other girls I have finished (Nana, Chou, or Aki) and play around with dialogue code. I also want to work on the Magical Girl Monthly menu.

The Magical Girl Monthly stream looks like it’s going to be on the 26th this month. I’m considering doing something besides drawing. Maybe coding or music? Let me know what you think!