Ask Memes!

Happy Magical Girl Monday!

My last post was in November, and I said I wouldn’t be posting because my course load was heavy. It’s now February, and this semester has been even heavier! I haven’t had any time or energy to work on the PROXtober chibi vectors or art for the actual game.

However, I have been able to work on the light novel — this takes me less energy than doing pixel or vector art. And I’ve made progress!

Last week, I reblogged an ask meme on my main Tumblr, and I’ve decided that this is what I’ll be doing in February:

I will reblog multiple ask memes on Tumblr (like “send in a word and I’ll post an excerpt that it appears in” or “send me an emoji and I’ll post a random line/excerpt”) and I’ll respond to them as I get them, regardless of if it’s a Magical Girl Monday or not.

My ask box is always open regardless of if I’m taking ask meme challenges or not — if you have any questions about development, feel free to ask!

Want a download key for the debug build? Want to read the first chapter of the light novel? You can find both on the PROXYFLANS Linktree! (Until all the download keys are taken, I won’t make The Magical Girl in PROXY a public download.)

Thank you for following the stories’/games’ development! If you like what you see, reblog, comment, and share with your friends and anyone else who you think needs some magical girl positivity in their lives!

Thank you all, and I hope you have a flantastic day! 🍮


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