CG Preview

CG Preview

Happy Magical Girl Monday!

Due to some technical difficulties, I’m behind schedule. After a few tries, I was finally able to scan my sketches for the CG cutscenes. Above is one that I’ve implemented to see how it looks in the game.

I worked on the battle GUI and started making a new font, but halted progress when I discovered a mistake in the game’s battle code. All this time, I thought “Cute” mode was causing one-hit kills, no matter what, due to the values I chose for the attack and defense modifiers.

This wasn’t the case, as I also got one-hit kills when changing the modifier, and also in the “Pretty” and “Beautiful” modes. It turned out the code for subtracting health was being run multiple times, until the enemy was defeated.

I fixed it by putting the code for subtracting health in an if statement, checking if the health had already been subtracted before actually subtracting it.


If you want to help debug the game, there are still download keys available on Tumblr. Until all the keys are taken, I will not be making The Magical Girl in PROXY a public download.


Read the light novel and let me know what you think, so I know if anything needs to be changed in the cutscenes for clarity!


Thank you for following the stories’/games’ development! If you like what you see, please like, reblog, comment, and share with your friends! Feedback is my greatest motivator!

The Boys Are Back In Town

The Boys.JPG

Happy Magical Girl Monday!

The boys? They’re here, right on schedule.

Yes, this is what they’ll look like in the final game. I believe it’s the best option, so that there’s no confusion for who is part of the main cast. (I may change some of their uniforms slightly, but I’m not going to worry about that right now…)

I still have to tweak the outside of the school that I showed last week, but besides that, everything I put on the agenda for this week is just about done!


Read the light novel and let me know what you think, so I know if anything needs to be changed in the cutscenes for clarity!


There are still download keys available on Tumblr, so until they’re all gone, I will not be making The Magical Girl in PROXY a public download.

Thank you for following the stories’/games’ development! If you like what you see, please like, reblog, comment, and share with your friends! Feedback is my greatest motivator!