Last Magical Girl Monday of the Year/Decade!

Happy Magical Girl Monday!

I mentioned in the previous Monday that the code should be done by the end of the year. And it pretty much is! While I still have to do full versions of cutscenes (instead of the snippets I’ve been doing to make sure room transitions work), all the background code that makes the game work should be in place by now, unless I run into something major.

The save system still needs a little bit of tweaking, but that’ll be easier to fix once the cutscenes are all in order.


Anyway, I’ve written out a timeline for finishing the game’s art in the coming month. The four pictures above are a preview of what I’ve been working on! The first two are my process in Pyxel Edit, and the latter two are the tile sets actually implemented. When you enter or exit the school building, the wall fades in and out! I decided to do this to make a certain cutscene easier. (If you read the light novel sample, you’ll know which one!)

(Speaking of which, this month I received some requests to view the light novel sample, so I’ve made the link public again. Please fill out the form at the end!)



  • January 1 – 7
    • School Location Sprites
    • NPCs (minor classmates & teacher)
    • Polish cutscenes, using placeholder sprites for characters without sprites
  • January 8 – 14
    • Battle Sprites
      • Player (CPB, Plants, Mascot)
      • Villains (Deadly Omen, Water Droplets)
      • Battle GUI
  • January 15 – 21
    • CG art (may start this earlier, depending on completion of other sprites)
    • New, easier to read font
  • January 22 – 28
    • Character RPG sprites
      • Manami, Hotaru, Tsubasa, Miku, Wakana, Tomoko
      • Kenji
  • January 29 – February 4
    • Tweak anything I’m still not happy with

In the previous Magical Girl Monday post, I said my goal was to get the art done by my birthday. My birthday is February 6, so in addition to that last week above that’s dedicated to tweaking, I’m giving myself some wiggle room on that end. (Along with these last few days of the year that I’m using as a head start.)


There are still download keys available on Tumblr, so until they’re all gone, I will not be making The Magical Girl in PROXY a public download.

Thank you for following the stories’/games’ development! If you like what you see, please like, reblog, comment, and share with your friends! Feedback is my greatest motivator!

Penultimate Magical Girl Monday of the Decade!

Happy Magical Girl Monday!

Today was supposed to be the second MGM of the month, but I got sick at the end of November and that carried over to December.

Because of that, I’m behind on the game’s art, but not on the code.

I should be able to finish the first episode’s code by the end of the year!

At the moment, I want to have the art done by my birthday next year. (Early February)


I added socks to the PROXYFLANS Redbubble! I got myself a couple pairs (Simple Flan and Pixel Art Power Ups) and they’re very comfy!


There are still download keys available on Tumblr, so until they’re all gone, I will not be making The Magical Girl in PROXY a public download.

Thank you for following the stories’/games’ development! If you like what you see, please like, reblog, comment, and share with your friends! Feedback is my greatest motivator!