Cutscene Code Progress!


Happy Magical Girl Monday!

I had no internet over the weekend, so I used that time to rework the code for episode one’s cutscenes!

Before, I had each cutscene as its own Game Maker object, but realized this would lead to way too many objects in the future!

So, I experimented and realized I should put the switch statements in if statements to organize them into one object.

At the moment, I have all of the cutscenes I’ve done in one object, for episode one.

Eventually, as I add episodes, I may combine these into seasons. My one hope is that the ability to collapse code is added to GMS2 in the future!


Speaking of cutscenes…

If you haven’t, please read the first chapter of the light novel!

When you’ve finished, please let me know what you think! A lot of the conversations in the light novel are word for word what’s going to be in the cutscenes, so I want to make sure everything’s enjoyable, understandable, and without typos!


Thank you for following the stories’/games’ development! If you like what you see, please like, reblog, comment, and share with your friends! Feedback is my greatest motivator!

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