A Quick Outfit Swap!

Outfit Swap.png

Happy Magical Girl Monday!

I had art block, so I asked for ideas in my friend’s Discord server. One suggestion was an outfit swap, so here’s Hotaru and Miku in each other’s transformation outfits!

Hotaru’s hair is tucked into the hat, and Miku’s glasses are fogged up from the heat.

This was really fun, and I may do more in the future!



If you haven’t, please read the first chapter of the light novel!

When you’ve finished, please let me know what you think! A lot of the conversations in the light novel are word for word what’s going to be in the cutscenes, so I want to make sure everything’s enjoyable, understandable, and without typos!


Thank you for following the stories’/games’ development! If you like what you see, please like, reblog, comment, and share with your friends! Feedback is my greatest motivator!

Cutscene Code Progress!


Happy Magical Girl Monday!

I had no internet over the weekend, so I used that time to rework the code for episode one’s cutscenes!

Before, I had each cutscene as its own Game Maker object, but realized this would lead to way too many objects in the future!

So, I experimented and realized I should put the switch statements in if statements to organize them into one object.

At the moment, I have all of the cutscenes I’ve done in one object, for episode one.

Eventually, as I add episodes, I may combine these into seasons. My one hope is that the ability to collapse code is added to GMS2 in the future!


Speaking of cutscenes…

If you haven’t, please read the first chapter of the light novel!

When you’ve finished, please let me know what you think! A lot of the conversations in the light novel are word for word what’s going to be in the cutscenes, so I want to make sure everything’s enjoyable, understandable, and without typos!


Thank you for following the stories’/games’ development! If you like what you see, please like, reblog, comment, and share with your friends! Feedback is my greatest motivator!


Happy (belated) Magical Girl Monday!

The first picture is my brainstorming for some of Saito Wakana’s outfits, because she was in the lead for the Flan Clicker updates survey! Remember the alignment chart memes I did last year? Wakana was categorized as a “goth jock,” so I tried to make her wardrobe reflect that! It was fun to break away from the usual order I develop/draw the cast in. I really need to remind myself to use a random number generator more often to flesh out everyone evenly…

The second picture is a wire frame for the future homepage of PROXYFLANS! I based it off of the websites for Boueibu and RobiHachi.

The third picture is a sketch of what’s going to be on the top right – the main cast, with some shooting stars! (Which are mentioned in the light novel sample. Have you read it yet? Make sure to answer this short questionnaire!) I’ve also sketched one with the villains, but it’s not as polished so I didn’t want to share it yet.


As a side note, between now and next Magical Girl Monday, I’m going to try organizing my categories and tags on WordPress. Right now, I only have two categories – for Magical Girl Mondays and Magical Girl Monthly. Doesn’t really make sense since the majority of the posts here are for the former, right?

What are some categories and tags you’d like me to use?