Happy Magical Girl Monday! I was sick last week, so this week is a longer post!

For starters, the week before last I was working on character development, expressions, and wardrobes. There’s a certain shirt I designed for Yukiko’s pajamas that I really liked, so I vectorized it and started looking into stores like Redbubble. (See the original sketch, “toothpaste bananas”) Before the end of the year, I want to make some designs available to the public, but I don’t feel they’re at that point yet.


I’ve decided there should be no character select for battles in the final game so I don’t have to worry about dialogue as much. “I want Takako to talk to this group about this, but one of them brings up a character who’s dead as if she’s in class.” I thought there was an easy solution for this, but I thought about it and it would be too much trouble. I know I’ve been going back and forth on this, but this is the last time, I promise!

However, for the debug that I currently have on itch.io, I’m going to keep the character select, because it makes it easier for me to test individual characters.I’m going to repurpose the character select code for the bio page and possibly a free-for-all mode.

Now, regarding the platformer sprites, I’m waiting on Spriter2 being released. I thought I read somewhere that it would be released in August, but I may be mistaken.

Finally, I’ve been working on aspects of the story. Maybe this could be another option for future Magical Girl Monthly streams? My computer hasn’t been giving me trouble, but I haven’t been free the past weekends when I wanted to stream.

This weekend, it looks like I will be available! I’ll post a link before the stream. 2 PM ET!

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