
AYYY another Palette & Expression Meme, look at that. You may have to zoom in for details lol. 81 Expressions and 50 Palettes, go nuts guys.

Reposting anywhere but tumblr is okay with credit.

I personally will not be taking requests for this one as I’m trying to focus on getting commissions so I can afford a new computer~

Happy Magical Girl Monday!

Here is the progress that I made in the first two Magical Girl Monthly Live Streams!I chose to make the live streams an hour long not only because I thought it would be long enough to finish at least one picture, but also because I don’t want my laptop to overheat and get too noisy. But it turns out I misjudged how long it takes to color, oops!

Next month I’ll try to make the stream longer!

I’m also thinking about getting a cheap webcam so I can do sketches, and maybe inking using my light board. Those won’t take as long as coloring pictures digitally, and I won’t need to have an art program using my CPU!

I’ll be able to get more done, and maybe take requests during the stream!

Happy Magical Girl Monday!

As you’ve probably guessed, Mahou Shounen Sunday was just a joke! (Though I may eventually make bonus content with those designs after the main game is done!)

Here are two memes with the main cast! I have a third, but I think I’m going to save it for a later date…